Selamat Datang di Guru Merdeka

Selamat Datang di Guru Merdeka

Story My Village

Working to make a person able to change lives. such as the principle that most people in my hometown. Field work is easy to obtain. And even so almost nothing is unemployed. Some even prefer to make money rather than schools. Even if there are schools, and even then only up to the high school level. In gair great many types of jobs and acted by people Kajuara and Salomekko were farmers, merchants, fishermen, and employees. Farming is a job that only a small challenge. But many farmers, having finished its season they switch jobs to be sailors, fishermen or merchant. Most farmers grow rice, beans, corn, and vegetables. they grow only for food but also for sale. But most of them grow due to be sold. The work is more popular is the trade. Most of our kampong people whose job it is to live in a state of luxury merchants. They belong to the upper middle class. On average they have big cars and houses. They run trade are rice, goat, acid etc. They seek and buy goods in the district Bone then increased to boat and taken to Nusa Tenggara Timur, NusaTenggara Barat, and Southeastern Sulawesi. When they returned from NTT, they buy a goat or acid and then sold in my village, Sinjai, Soppeng and surrounding areas. This is work that youths in the village make prefer to continue the work of the school. In addition to trade and farming, there are many who chose to become fishermen and employees. Fishermen us village used to catch fish with a semi-modern methods. In fact, many of which produce fish by creating a pond. The catch of fish they are very easy to sell because near my village there are daily fish auctions and traditional markets are always open. While the employee is a work in many coveted by parents who work farmers and fishermen. So no wonder, if they sell their land only to lecture his son. But this work is in the eyes of the merchant or business is considered low because we work control by government, so they are more directed his son to continue his business. In summary, they are easy to get a job, but they still have a sense sentien against any person who considers the work below is not elite. But, that's the life of society is not necessarily all in one village one type of work.

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